About Us

Who is the L Curve?

The L Curve is short for The Learning Curve. The L Curve was started by Jim Wilhelmsen. For over 20 years Jim has worked in electronics manufacturing, retail sales, and since 2005 has provided support for customers who have lost their data due to a technology failure.

Why did he start The L Curve? Many of his friends were getting new technology such as Tesla electric automobiles and while they can drive and enjoy the car just fine, they don't have the time or the interest to understand all of the things this car can do for them. With electric cars clearly taking a stronghold in the automobile market Jim found a void in accessibility to get help with this wonderful technology. There are videos online that you can watch, but they are often out of date and how do you separate the truth from the people just trying to get likes and views? You could go to the dealer, but while they are happy to answer your questions they don't really have training designed into their business model. The L Curve is here to fill that gap. We service all of Marin and Sonoma Counties to help your love you electric car.